We just wanted to thank everyone that played a part in making the Art Star Craft Bazaar such a huge success! Our small weekend staff, Philebrity, volunteers, the bands, our community partners and sponsors, all the vendors, DRWC – there are too many people to list! Most of all, we want to thank YOU, our customers, for coming out in droves to shop handmade and support so many talented makers. We REALLY loved how many of you Instagramed your purchases – that was so awesome to see. Please keep sharing. We especially love seeing your purchases in action – hanging on the wall, being worn, used, etc. Be sure to #artstarcraftbazaar so we can see them all!
Here are some of our favorite customer pics from the weekend – enjoy! And please continue to support our vendors by going to this link to be directed to all their websites. We’ll keep our vendor page up throughout the year. And don’t forget – we carry work by many ascb artists, so come by the store to shop in person, year round!

@alison_lucile shared a pic of a whole bunch of goodies that she picked up at the bazaar. I see a Xenotees Pizza Tank, Red Prairie Press top, Anthropolis Design Print, Andrew Zangerle Drawing, T-Rex by Lenny Mud, print from the 50/50 Company and a few more gems.

@chrissylicious shared her entire bazaar haul! Lots of good stuff there – Olive + Bo, The Maple Ridge, Laura George (from us), Leroy’s Place, Trinity Framing, etc.

Another good haul from @elle_melinda – I spy Seeing In Fabric, Cut + Paste Photobooth, Nice Things Handmade, Mai Autumn, Paper Sparrow (from us), Kayte Terry and more!

@staceydoespics posed in a felt unicorn mask by Opposite of Far and one of our Unicorn masks made by CherryBox
Thank you again to all of our customers for supporting us + our vendors and for generally just being awesome and having great taste!