We have been hard at work beginning to prep for our 11th (yowsers!) Art Star Craft Bazaar (ascb) at Penn’s Landing Great Plaza on Mother’s Day Weekend AND we have big news to share! We have also decided to host a 2nd Art Star Craft Bazaar at the Long Beach Island Art Foundation (LBIF) in Loveladies, NJ in July as well!

The Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts and Sciences. The Art Star Craft Bazaar will take up the gallery spaces of the LBIF plus the entire grounds outside
Last year the kind folks over at the LBIF approached us about bringing our ascb to them to help freshen things up and we were excited for a couple of reasons. One, I grew up there. I graduated from Southern Regional High School in gulp, 1996 and spent the summers there on the beach and at my high school job at the 7-11 right when you enter the island. I haven’t lived there since i graduated high school but my family and many good friends still do. Two, the foundation is a great organization that is dedicated to promoting the arts and sciences on LBI through their art studios, gallery, craft shop, workshops, classes and more! The grounds are pretty big and can accommodate 100+ art/craft vendors plus food, music and make + takes. I had helped install a show there back when I worked at The Clay Studio, so I am already very familiar with this wonderful organization that is literally a few steps away from the beach!
They have hosted a craft show at the foundation in July for many years now and it is one of their biggest fundraisers of the year. They wanted to try something new and we were more than happy to step in and try it out! Because this is partially a fundraiser for the LBIF, we will be asking a small admission charge (to this show only, not our Philly show) of $5 and a portion of that will directly benefit them and help them to continue to promote and nurture good art/craft on LBI!

the crowd at our Philly Art Star Craft Bazaar. The LBIF’s annual craft show already attracts 2-3k visitors and we hope to at least double that number this year!
We are really excited about this newly added venue and hope for it to continue to grow like our Philly bazaar has over these past 11 years (and counting!). We will be partnering with select businesses from the area (like our girls from School of Vintage) to get as many people as possible to the show and also hope to seek out some amazing local food vendors, musicians, etc that will compliment the vibe of our show. If you think you fit the bill, please let us know!
Applications are open to crafters/artists/makers from all over the country. Apply today!